Global Cargo Care provide services like dealing with transactions of any business relating to entry or departure of conveyances or the import or export of Goods at any Customs Station. We are centrally based in Mumbai strech/extended ourselves to all major ports/ICD - CFS/ Cities across Pan INDIA.
Being a clearing agent:
Being a Customs House Agent, we work on behalf of the importers and exporters while the traders have time constraints. This involves provisioning of complete solutions related to the clearance of imports and exports out of the country. These tasks are furnished with the support of our exceptional and knowledgeable group leaving no scope for error
We are authorized to perform all the duties that an Exporter/Importer does. This includes filing a bill of entry, shipping bill, submitting supporting documents therewith, helping in examination of goods, payment of duty on behalf of the principal, warehousing of goods, removal from warehouse and the like..
Duties and obligations of a CHA:
1. Clearances only against authorization
2. Method of transacting business
3. Personal interests of CHA
4. Duty to tender correct advice
5. Accounting for money received
6. Liability as to information